.·::·.Mari's Interest's.·::·.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Opion of TLP

My opinion or what i think about how was the Teen Life Proyect is very intresting. Well, for me all these proyect was cool and also it was helpful, why? becuase in the cool part i socialys with new people and was cool talking to them becuase they are from different parts and thats cool, but at the same time it was helpfull becuase is help me understand the real meaning of why people have to stop to consume whatever kind of drug they are consuming becuase it is very, but very dangerous.Also i new that by consuming too much of cigarrate your body immidiatly is changing rapidly, and your inside body and outside body is damagin, in the outer your teeth start to become yellow, your eyes into red, and some dislike will appear, and on the insidebody your lungs will start to deteriorate, so for a advice please never ever in your lifes consume tobacco or cigarrate.



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