I am going to write about a soccer player. For me, is the best one and also is the cutties one.He name is Fernando José Torres Sanz. He was born on march 20th,1984 in Madrid,España. Hes family is comformed was his parents, Flori and Jose, and his two brothers, Israel and Mari Paz, who have the age of 7 and 8 years old.
Fernando José Torres Sanz began playing at the
Atletico Madrid. En the seasons 95/96 he was part of these team as a biginner.The coach took Fernando, because he saw in him, that he haves elegance, he was an inteligent person, and also because he is very good at making goals. In 1998, when he had 14 years old, he grew up in the group of cadet and from there he pass to the juvenile. He remain in these team from one season and the nest one, he played at the juvenile that he play his games at a division f honors.

When he have the age of 16, he was considered as a winner and the best player of the world cup in the sub-16. For this reason, that same year, he went up in the
"Athletic A." People calle him "El niño Torres" because he is the joungest one in his team and he is the captain.. Fernando torres is a player that have been in different categories from the spain selections, before that when he was in the first team
Atletico Madrid, in which was the one that he was the champion in Europe and also in the selection of the sub-16 as well as the sub-19. Now he is at the sellection sub-21 and he is very good at it..Now with 21 years old, he has coverted in the best one.

I think that he is a agile player, inteligent one, an also he is very skilful, that with frequency he make a goal and make enjoy all the millions of people. For me he is a the men of gold, because now he is very good at soccer but i know that he in the future he is going to convert in THE BEST ONE IN THE NEXT WORLD CUP!!!
At 2:43 PM,
Sergio J. said…
Hi Mariana,
I agree that Torres is a good player. He is young and has many future. He played extremely good on the world cup and he made a very good goal with Puyol. Well I think this is a great post, I hope you continue like that.
At 3:11 PM,
Daniel T. said…
Hey Mariana! Thanks to your post I noticed that I am almost Fernando's brother, he's lastnames Torres Sanz are just one "e" away from my lastname. I really liked how you wrote about his life, I say that all the blogs have something about soccer, even mine's, but yours is exceptionally good. You chose a very good player, with a very good lastname. Keep up the great work!
At 5:42 PM,
MaRiA JoSe said…
Marina i dont agree with you GERMAN PLAYERS ARE BETTER and hoter your wrong look at my post
At 11:51 AM,
*Vale M* said…
Mari, I totally agree with you.. F. Torres is a great player and I think he is very cute too... I hope he gets even better for the next world cup, and he may even win the title for best player, but that is in 4 years.. so we will have to wait a long time for that to happen! ;)
At 12:51 PM,
MaRgUi´S BloG!! said…
hello mari..
well I agree with you F. Torres is a great player! He did a great job in te world cup 06, hope he does better on the next one. I think he is very cute too, although there are others that are very cute too.such as c.ronaldo that is a great player too. love your post, and mari jose.. F. Torres is much cuter that Ballak..
At 4:05 PM,
SebastianB said…
hi mariana,
I think that Fernando Torres is a great player too; I like how he plays but I don´t like the team in wich he plays. He has a big future his has skills and knows how to score a goal. You had very important info about him. You have a very good post!!
At 1:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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